State government electric car incentives

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All Australian states and territories have introduced some rebates and incentives to encourage the uptake of low and zero-emission vehicles. In an ideal world, there would be standard incentives applying nationally, but this is not the case at this time.

From 1st July 2022, electric vehicles purchased in Queensland for less than $58,000 each receive a $3,000 rebate for new electric vehicles.

In May 2022, the West Australian government introduced 10,000 rebates of $3,500 for electric and hydrogen vehicles priced below $70,000.

In New South Wales, there are 25,000 rebates of $3,000 available for electric vehicles purchased for less than $68,750 each. In addition, electric vehicles purchased for less than $78,000 also receive a $3,000 refund on stamp duty.

The Victorian Government provides 20,000 rebates of $3,000 on electric vehicles purchased that cost less than $68,740.

The Australian Capital Territory provides two years of free registration for new and used electric vehicles. In addition, vehicles emitting less than 130 grams of CO2 per kilometre pay no stamp duty on the purchase.

South Australia provides a three-year registration exemption for new electric vehicles priced at less than $68,750. In addition, a $3,000 rebate can be claimed on new electric vehicles priced at less than $68,750.

The Tasmanian Government does not charge stamp duty on new and used electric vehicle purchases.

Please contact us if you have any questions about your business’ asset structure and investment decisions that could save you on tax. We are here to help.

Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.


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